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The Herbarist

The Herbarist Archives

The Herbarist 2011

The Herbarist 2011

The Herbarist 2011 (Issue 77)

Lovage:  An Herb to Love
By Carol Ann Harlos

Cha-Cha-Cha-Cha: An Ancient American Herb
By Margaret Conover, PhD

Up Close and Personal: A Look at the Mediterranean Herbs and Their Native Habitat
By Susan Belsinger

Popular Chamomile
By Jesse Vernon Trail

Nature’s Medicine Chest
By Jane Knaapen Cole

Dock: A Useful Week
By Katherine Montgomery

Raising Cane in Bamboo Valley
By Laura McNerney

What is Essential These Days?
By Sue Winderweedle

Herbal Trees That Have Changed the World
By Christine Moore