NEW - Workshops
Join us for our upcoming workshops and demonstrations!
Expanding on the popular monthly webinar series, HSA is developing live, online workshops, on-demand programs, and demonstrations for those who wish to further their knowledge of herbs, their cultivation and use. Topics will encompass everything from growing to cooking to medicinal and craft use. Attendance at these educational events will be limited and a fee will be charged to both members and non-members. Members will always receive a discount.
Registration is Closed for the February 2021 Workshop!
The Basics of Propagating Pelargoniums
and Other Plants - with Mary Maran
February 25, 2021 2pm-2:30pm EST
Prepare for spring by attending HSA's first online workshop! HSA member, Mary Maran will discuss and demonstrate the propagation of pelargoniums (scented geraniums) via softwood cuttings. Propagation, in the case of botany, is the act of creating new plants from a variety of sources: seeds, cuttings, bulbs, and other plant parts. Propagation by cuttings is an excellent way to propagate. It allows the grower to increase the number of plants in their collection while ensuring the characteristics of the “new” plant remain true to the parent plant. Finally, some plants are just easier to replicate with cuttings…for example, bay, scented geraniums, lavender among others. Apply what you learn in this workshop to other plants,
In this half hour interactive workshop, Mary will be demonstrating:
· the tools and materials needed for propagating,
· the best time to do so, and
· what you need to know for best results.
Mary is an avid grower of pelargoniums. For years she has donated specimens from her diverse and superb collection to numerous plant sales including the Long Island Unit’s Annual Symposium and the Horticultural Alliance of the Hampton’s Annual Garden Fair.
Join us for this interactive workshop and learn how to prepare your own cuttings for spring planting. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions "live" during the demonstration.
Members must sign in to register for workshops and webinars!
Signing in will apply your members-only discount.
Upcoming Workshops
A Feast of Spring Herbs and Vegetables
with Liz Barbour of The Creative Feast
March 30, 2021, 2pm EST
Registration will open on March 9, 2021!